Adding follow up email sequences to your email campaign - SafeMailer Adding follow up email sequences to your email campaign - SafeMailer

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Adding follow up email sequences to your email campaign

1 min read

Email campaigns can be easily set up on SafeMailer. Once the email campaign is created, you may want to add follow up emails to the campaign.

SafeMailer allows you to add unlimited follow up emails to your email campaign.

To add follow up emails to your campaign, first select the campaign from the dashboard.

Then go to the Email Sequence section.

Here you can easily add followup emails to your campaign.

Provide a subject line for your follow up email.

    Then mention after how many days this follow up email should be sent.

    Select to whom this email should be sent.

    SafeMailer allows you to send follow up emails depending on different scenarios.

    1. Everyone
    2. People who opened the previous email.
    3. People who didn’t opened previous email
    4. People who replied to previous email.
    5. People who didn’t replied previous email.

    Select the audience to whom you want to send this follow up email.

    Note that Safemailer uses IMAP integration for monitoring bounced and replied emails from your campaigns. You’ll have to integrate your email using IMAP first to send followup emails to those who replied or didn’t reply to previous emails.

    Finally enter the content for your follow up email. You can personalize your emails by using the short codes eg. #Name#

    To learn how to personalize your email check this user guide.

    Click on Save to add the followup email to your campaign.

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